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The benefits

Agro-met advisory services: Smallholder farmers use their indigenous knowledge and experience to observe the varying weather and adapt for their agricultural practices. But the fast changing climates are affecting this age-old wisdom. The rate of climate change is outpacing traditional knowledge on the climate variability and capacity to deal with the impact. There is currently no system

Market Data 2

Date (DD/MM/YY
Ethiopian Calender)
Crop Wholesale (birr/quintal) Retail (birr/kg) Farm get price Market Grade
13/10/2014 Green Cabbage 1,300 16 N/A Atikilt Tera
13/10/2014 Beets 1,500 20 N/A Atikilt Tera
13/10/2014 Fresh Banana 2,600 35 N/A Atikilt Tera
13/10/2014 Tibila Papaya 4,600 50 N/A Atikilt Tera
13/10/2014 Local Mango 4,600 50 N/A Atikilt Tera